A brief history of computer animation

Most people have heard about computer animation and even more people have seen it. In short, it refers to the creation of animated images with the use of computers and other digital tools.

People started using computer animation a few decades ago, and over time this technology has developed to a great degree. Certain moments in its development have been crucial to its progress to the level we can enjoy today. Computer animation is used in different areas of life, from movies and art to online casinos even where people play different games and bet on different games with the help of the Monopoly casino promo code, for example.

The beginning

Computer animation first started being worked on in the early 1940s and 1950s when certain people began experimenting with computer graphics. The most notable job was done by John Whitney. In the 1960s, when computers become more available, people’s interest in computer animation started spiking. The search for more innovative computer graphics started to blossom.

The first application of computer animation

At first, computer animation was used for scientific, research, or engineering purposes. In the 1960s, people started exploring the use of computer animation for artistic purposes. In the 1970s, more and more people put effort in experimenting with and improving computer animation with the aim of reaching public media and getting it on-screen.

Introducing the concept of computer animation to the public

Computer animation developers quickly realized that by introducing computer animation to the wider public would certainly contribute to its faster growth. Therefore, while investing their time and effort into research on computer animation and graphics, they started familiarizing people with this technology and what it could be used for. It was clear that transforming people’s imagination into images on-screen would revolutionize the world, both artistically and scientifically. 

The rise of technology and further development of computer animation

In the beginning, the majority of computer graphics involved two-dimensional imagery, but as computing power kept developing and growing so did computer animation. This led the development of computer animation to a whole new level; more specifically, to the inclusion of another dimension. By the late 1980s, realistic photos in 3D started appearing in some movies. In the 1990s, 3D computer animation was used more widely, although there were certain limitations to this technology, so developers had to continue working hard until more technological improvements were made. A few years later, the first 3D animated movies were created. The first completely computer-animated feature-length movie Toy Story was released by Pixar in 1995.

The use of 3D computer animation saves time on making movies or doing scientific research. Nowadays, filmmakers do not have to worry about special effects as there are a lot of talented people who can do wonders with computer animation. They can turn anything they imagine into images on the screen.

Having in mind all the possibilities and benefits of this technology, it is beyond any doubt that computer animation is going to continue developing in the future. We have yet to see how and in what fields this technology will be applied and enhanced in the coming years, but it is certain that its future developments will be exciting and beneficial.  

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